A Sense of Community: Essays on the Television Series and by Ann-Gee Lee PDF

By Ann-Gee Lee

Television’s Community follows the shenanigans of a various team of conventional and nontraditional group students: Jeff Winger, a former legal professional; Britta Perry, a feminist; Abed Nadir, a popular culture fanatic; Shirley Bennett, a mom; Troy Barnes, a former jock; Annie Edison, a naïve overachiever; and Pierce Hawthorne, an old style aged guy. There also are Benjamin Chang, the maniacal Spanish instructor, and Craig Pelton, the eccentric dean of Greendale neighborhood collage, in addition to famous visitor stars who play troublemaking scholars, nutty professors and scary administrators.
This selection of clean essays familiarizes readers not just with specific characters and well known episodes, yet behind-the-scenes facets resembling screenwriting and construction strategies. The essayists discover narrative topic, hyperreality, masculinity, feminism, colour blindness, civic discourse, pastiche, intertextuality, media awareness, how Community is prompted through different indicates and movies, and the way lovers have contributed to the show.

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A Sense of Community: Essays on the Television Series and Its Fandom by Ann-Gee Lee

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